Aleksiej's Blog


Welcome to my blog about programming, machine learning, philosophy, and sociology.
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What is the film Amelie about?

Throughout the film, Amelie behaves extraordinarily. On the one hand, this may be due to a stressful childhood. On the other hand, she lives in an imaginary world without any good reason. She wants to change everything. The real world must be like an idealist's crooked mirror. And it's no coincidence that the Paris metro stations were washed before the film was made. There is an absolute, utilitarian idealism. But what do you do when the real world isn't so good when underground stations are dirty? This method makes it very easy to catch frustration or something else.

Maybe this film is about hedonism? About how a girl likes to break off the top of a crème brûlée and throw pebbles across the canal. Most likely, yes. Because all her aspirations: to observe details, to fantasize and dream, to make others happy, to collect and to curate — have the same root. These are phenomena of a different nature, but focused on one reason. The reason is to control the outside world, to bring it into a comfortable form that is special to her. To the form where she lives in peace and autism. But this goal overrides all of its performance. In my opinion, this is not a very interesting life path.

Add Two Numbers


#                                                   #
#  version 0.0.1                                    #
#   #
#                                                   #
#  Aleksiej Ostrowski, 2020                         #
#                                                   #
#                             #
#                                                   #


package main

import (

type ListNode struct {
    Val  int
    Next *ListNode


func reverseList(l *ListNode) *ListNode {

    temp := []int{}

    x := l

    for {

        if x == nil {

        temp = append(temp, x.Val)

        x = x.Next

    for i, j := 0, len(temp)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
        temp[i], temp[j] = temp[j], temp[i]

    var newl = &ListNode{0, nil}

    var start = newl

    for i, e := range temp {
        newl.Val = e
        if i != len(temp)-1 {
            newl.Next = &ListNode{0, nil}
            newl = newl.Next

    return start

func addTwoNumbers(l1 *ListNode, l2 *ListNode) *ListNode {

    if (l1 == nil) || (l2 == nil) {
        return nil

    x1 := l1
    x2 := l2

    var newL = &ListNode{0, nil}

    var start = newL

    flag1 := true
    flag2 := true

    extra := 0

    for {

        newVal := extra

        if flag1 {
            newVal += x1.Val

        if flag2 {
            newVal += x2.Val

        extra = 0

        if newVal > 9 {
            extra = 1
            newVal -= 10

        newL.Val = newVal

        if flag1 {
            x1 = x1.Next
            flag1 = x1 != nil

        if flag2 {
            x2 = x2.Next
            flag2 = x2 != nil

        if flag1 || flag2 || (extra > 0) {
            newL.Next = &ListNode{0, nil}
            newL = newL.Next
        } else {

    return start


func ListCreate(a []int) *ListNode {

    var l = &ListNode{0, nil}

    var start = l

    for i, s := range a {

        l.Val = s
        if i != len(a)-1 {
            l.Next = &ListNode{0, nil}
            l = l.Next

    return start

func printList(l *ListNode) {

    x := l

    for {

        if x == nil {

        fmt.Print(x.Val, " ")

        x = x.Next



func main() {

    a := []int{2, 4, 3}
    b := []int{5, 6, 4}

    l1 := ListCreate(a)
    l2 := ListCreate(b)


    printList(addTwoNumbers(l1, l2))

    // 7 0 8