Aleksiej's Blog


Welcome to my blog about programming, machine learning, philosophy, and sociology.
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The odor of poverty

Definitely, the movie Gisaengchung is a movie about the smell of poverty. This odor is absolutely unbearable for people with money. This odor is stoic and spreads in all directions. It is very dangerous. This odor is very toxic and contagious. Because money is a material that cannot be preserved forever. If you have money now, and you do nothing, you can very easily lose it in minutes or even faster. There is no foolproof way to freeze something forever. Therefore, you must be a good driver in your life. You have to drive a good car through life at high speeds and shift gears in time to get through repeats and intersections efficiently. And if you are forced to stand at one place, you should run fast at that place with all your might. And if you relax, life will run ahead, and you will be left behind.

Linux Mint vs Manjaro for laptop AN515-46-R70A

Time is ticking. New versions of Mint and Manjaro have appeared. I have tested these distributions for my laptop. I wanted to know how suitable these distributions are for working without patching and tricks.

Linux Linux Mint Manjaro
ISO linuxmint-21.1-cinnamon-64bit.iso manjaro-kde-22.1.3-230529-linux61.iso
Mediatek MT7921 WiFi Working Working
Internal web camera Quanta ACER HD User Facing Not working Not working
External web camera Sunplus Innovation Aukey-PC-LM1E Working Working
Brightness control for laptop Working Not working

What is the film Amelie about?

Throughout the film, Amelie behaves extraordinarily. On the one hand, this may be due to a stressful childhood. On the other hand, she lives in an imaginary world without any good reason. She wants to change everything. The real world must be like an idealist's crooked mirror. And it's no coincidence that the Paris metro stations were washed before the film was made. There is an absolute, utilitarian idealism. But what do you do when the real world isn't so good when underground stations are dirty? This method makes it very easy to catch frustration or something else.

Maybe this film is about hedonism? About how a girl likes to break off the top of a crème brûlée and throw pebbles across the canal. Most likely, yes. Because all her aspirations: to observe details, to fantasize and dream, to make others happy, to collect and to curate — have the same root. These are phenomena of a different nature, but focused on one reason. The reason is to control the outside world, to bring it into a comfortable form that is special to her. To the form where she lives in peace and autism. But this goal overrides all of its performance. In my opinion, this is not a very interesting life path.

ChatGPT and other networks. From good form to bad sense.

To put it very simply, the networks only roughly approximates what it "knows". Networks are very good at preparing a form of a result. But networks are very poor at preparing a sense of the result. Look at the photo.

© Original image

It is a very plausible image with a good connection of one edge to the other. The approximation looks very natural, but very funny. Why? What is precisely the nature of the funny? This is so funny because the result doesn't make sense. Funny things happen there when a non-working system is built according to certain well-known rules, a system that has the appearance of a working system. The next question is how "to pump" the sense. Can the iterative saturation of the system with new rules compensate of lack of sense, so that it works more and more accurately? It will be interesting to see how such a machine's complexity and machine's quality of work will get along together. If such a machine does not turn out in the future, it will more clearly delineate the boundaries of the human mind. And this is more important than such machine.

Dlaczego nie ma możliwości nauczenia kogoś matematyki?

Krótko mówiąc, nie można myśleć za kogoś. Myślenie to proces, którego nie da się perfekcyjnie trenować. Na przykład odrabianie lekcji może mieć wpływ tylko na wykonanie podobnej lekcji. Zupełnie nowe problemy są prawie niemożliwe do pokonania bez zdolności matematycznych. Jeśli chodzi o to, co uczeń może, poprzez indukcję, dedukcję oraz abstrakcję poszerzyć kręg rozwiązywanych problemów, to zjawisko pochodzi ze zdolności matematycznych. Dydaktyka matematyczna sama w sobie nie jest tu skuteczna. Oprócz tego, że uczeń wykonuje jedno zadanie, rozwiązuje je, a następnie wykonuje inne, nie ma innej formy uczenia się. Cały proces uczenia się matematyki wygląda dokładnie tak, jakby Münchhausen postanowił wyciągnąć się z koniem z bagna. Bierze się za włosy i wyciąga. Albo, jak w zdecydowanej większości przypadków, nie wyciąga. A najlepszym zachowaniem nauczyciela matematyki jest sytuacja, w której nauczyciel w niczym nie przeszkadza uczniowi. Bo nie ma możliwości skutecznego nauczenia kogoś matematyki.